Monday, March 26, 2007

Hurray! My first pay

I have been waiting for this for a long time and finally it arrived just before the midsems. Yes, I have received the first installment of my pay, a rocking Rs 6239.01 and there is more to come. As I don't have a scanner with me, I will have to leave you with a mobile phone camera snap of the cheque.
(Click on it to see the enlarged view)

I am still not sure what to do with all this money, I am thinking of saving it to buy a Nintendo Wii. Don't forget to bomb me with ideas for spending this cash.


Xilly said...

Jealous you. Happy Blogging!

Aseem Behl said...

Thank you Michelle!

John said...

hey nice job with the blog....u have a cool stle and love what u like...i'm John from and would love to have a link between us. Can we be frnds so that i could learn from u? i'm a student in 11th and love computers....can u add me in orkut? my id is

GaUtAm sHaRmA said...

hey aseemo.. congrats mate...

Anonymous said...

my first comment ... u can also freeze urself if u want a nintendo wii so desperately ... for assistance in that matter, refer south park - go god go ... :) -> akshit

Ajay said...

lemme guess..........innova site...aint it?
dude treat banti hai!

Aseem Behl said...


How could you even think of this? This was not expected from you, you being so close to Innova people.

Unknown said...

can somebody educate me,.., how and why is this pay??